Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Hi .........,

please read it full then say any thing a humble request t u

in 1992 the bst things iz i got my family nd today dnt know……

I've always been at a loss for words. I have been for so long, even in our short, minute conversations. It has taken me almost two month to gather this much courage.But, today I feel that I must you everything.

You have wowed me from the very beginning………

.. It's from day one when I saw you at ........ sir`s office, I was so much impressed by your personality. And after knowing you I realised that so you are a kind hearted person, so much understanding & in my whole life I had never met any person with such a pure heart & intelligence and from that day onwards I just started respecting you & when ever I talk to you that respect just goes on increasing.

I want to let you know that I am so in love with you and I promise you that I will do my best to earn your love and respect so that even though currently there are hundreds of miles between us

I don't know what you think of me but I wanted to let you know you are very special for me. You are the most beautiful girl in the world fr a simple boy …….the stars loose their shine when I think about your smile………

Lastly please don't take this in a negative manner because this is very first time in my life that I am taking this step. I don’t want hurt you, but I also don’t want to live my whole life with the regret of knowing that I had not told you.

You know?? If you will say yes I will be the luckiest person of this world. And even if you say no I'll never ask any question and will get myself deleted from your life and memories…i am nt casanova i am nt romeo i am just a simple boy who love u …..

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